May 01, 2006

Sixteen six by six imaginings

I was able to get into my studio this weekend (move the builders’ supplies aside and take the plastic protective covering off my paintings) and work on the sixteen little (6” x 6”) paintings I started a few weeks ago. I’m finding myself simplifying, sometimes more than I expected, and then maybe going back and adding. The imagery is not the same as on larger paintings. It can’t be. There isn’t enough space, obviously. The arm movement is different so the imagery has to be different. But you can still tell I did them. They have my handwriting on them. I’m always surprised when they work, when all the pieces fall in place. Mainly because of the small size, not being used to working in this format. It’s a challenge and I like a challenge, for sure.

There seem to be some things I just don’t question. I accept as fact that painting is a necessity, that astrology and feng shui work, that reincarnation happens. I don’t even know why I don’t question. I do know that all these “things” are open to misinterpretation. That astrology can be a crutch or even used as a weapon. As can a lot of alternative therapies and pacifist ideology. Just about anything can be twisted, if used inappropriately.

Painting feels right. And it would be hard to continue painting if it didn’t. It’s a solitary occupation with no job security or built-in benefits other than the reward of doing it. I keep saying it’s not therapy, it’s not about me. But it is, up to a point. Then it goes beyond that, transforms that, takes the personal and makes it universal. Otherwise it isn’t worth it.

Posted by leya at May 1, 2006 09:27 AM

I can't wait to see them!

Posted by: Tiny Coconut at May 1, 2006 11:50 AM

Painting does feel right Leya. I feel that too. I am very excited to see these 6x6 paintings, very interesting, and yes I imagine very challenging!

Posted by: Jackie at May 1, 2006 10:34 PM