August 02, 2005

two to remember

Another car conversation from today:

"When we get home, I want you to get some pages and staple them together and make a book for me and I'll tell you what to write in it. I want you to write two things that I want to remember, that I want to make sure not to forget."

(He could write them himself, but, well, you can see his inclination. Writing is still hard. Thinking of stuff to write, not so hard.)

"I want you to write that when we drive out of Los Angeles, I want to say, 'Bye Bye Los Angeles.'"

"What's the second thing?"

"I want to remember to say, 'What's this white stuff???'"

He's thinking ahead, I'd say.

Posted by Tamar at August 2, 2005 06:54 PM | TrackBack

God, that sounds like the opening post to your NJ blog, too.

Posted by: Chris at August 3, 2005 03:04 PM
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