October 06, 2007

A couple of paintings

. . . from the exhibit at the Secord Gallery that didn't get photographed. The first painting is 48" x 50" (each panel is 48" x 10"), the second is 46" x 46"



Now that my studio is almost clear of finished paintings, I've been stretching and priming more canvases so I can start new work. I've been working on a four panel piece, each panel 30" square, making a total of a five foot square painting. It's harder than I expected. I want the final piece to work as one painting, not as separate panels yet they will necessarily retain their individuality. Right now the painting is mostly red. I've tried introducing a yellow panel but the yellow keeps getting less and less. As usual, we will see what happens next . . .

Posted by leya at October 6, 2007 07:01 PM | TrackBack

Leya, I found your blog through reading Tamar's for years. I stayed because I love seeing your work and you write so well about the journey, both living and making art. Thank you for the glimpse into your life!

Karin (far from Nova Scotia in sunny Santa Barbara, California)

Posted by: Karin at October 11, 2007 01:58 PM

And I completely forgot to say what prompted me to write: Congratulations on your latest show in Europe, and your successful local show. How exciting!


Posted by: Karin at October 11, 2007 02:00 PM

Thanks for writing, Karin. I took a look at your website and am very impressed with your work. Nice to meet you on-line!

Posted by: Leya at October 11, 2007 03:47 PM
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