July 05, 2007

Final day in London

On my last full day in London, I walked around the city:



saw the Old Vic:


walked across the Thames on a bridge with the Eye of London always in sight:


I went to the Tate Modern, of course, and spent two long sessions sitting with Rothko's paintings. Then I went to Trafalgar Square to check on the pigeons. When I was in London with Tamar and Aaron, watching the pigeons was great entertainment for them. The day before, on Saturday when I was there, the pigeons had been scared off by a falcon on the shoulders of a woman. She patrols the area frequently to keep the pigeons at bay. But when the falcon is gone the pigeons return:


On this Sunday, the entertainment was dancers from Vietnam:



Then I went to the Royal Academy of Art for their annual exhibit. Took the Tube back to my friend's for the evening:


And Monday was the long trip home. Tuesday I picked up Lila. And here I am. Happy to be back at work!

Posted by leya at July 5, 2007 06:21 PM

A nice day, I should really visit London and its fabulous museums again.

Posted by: Artinthepicture.com at July 6, 2007 08:29 AM