June 29, 2006

Back to the paint bucket

Over the past couple of weeks, with no new paintings started and an exhibit up, I’ve stretched and primed ten canvases. Tomorrow I begin putting the collage onto them. Then I can start the painting process. It’s been a long time since I started a fresh canvas. Faced a blank one. The usual post-show ungrounded feeling has kept me feeling keen to begin painting again. The builders have been back again this week, to finish up some trim. They won’t be here for the long weekend so I have some solitude and time to get back into my studio.

It was interesting how obsessed a few people were (when I was talking in the gallery on the 21st) with what I write on the canvases. I’ll never tell. It’s only for me. One person asked if it was like Method Acting, getting myself charged up to paint. I don’t think so. I am always charged up. It’s only a very personal approach to beginning painting. It’s my response. For me. Ultimately, it’s taking a very personal relationship to the artwork and making it universal. The end, the final painting, is not about me.

Another person asked if I ever feel fear when facing a blank canvas. No. Never. I am so eager to paint. And I’ve been doing this a long time, over forty-five years. At the beginning I did feel fear and in those years I was able to achieve very few satisfying paintings. Over time it’s become a very natural thing to do. Like breathing. Usually the expectation of possibilities is a prime motivator to get something, anything, down quickly so I can discover what is going to happen. So, I’m looking forward to the weekend.

Posted by leya at June 29, 2006 04:48 PM