February 23, 2004

More on Snow & Plows

The snow plow came late Saturday afternoon. At times the snow was blowing over the hood of his truck so thick, it looked like he would be buried forever in this never ending snow. But he finished his task, leaving me to shovel (again) what he had put in the tunnel I had just dug the day before so I could get to my car.

Most of the people I have talked to in the last couple of days say they spent about four hours shoveling snow on Friday, and of course, a few more hours on Saturday. Massage therapists and chiropractors will be very busy this week!

The snow is worse in Halifax. At least here there is land for it to go to. Still, school is closed, along with most of Halifax, today. With my week of retreat, it has been about ten days since I saw anyone except the snow plow driver. I’ve talked to friends and neighbors on the phone and that has been nice, but I must admit, I am enjoying the solitude. The busy schedule and desire to socialize will return soon enough. Perhaps tomorrow if the roads are clear enough.

Posted by leya at February 23, 2004 01:09 PM