May 09, 2004

Happy Mother's Day

When I spoke with my former boss at the wrap party a few weeks ago, I told her things will get better with her teenage daughter. That my mother and I fought terribly when I was fifteen and sixteen (and seventeen too). That she’s now one of my best friends and we talk at least once a week. My old boss asked how long it took to get from there to here. I laughed. “Don’t ask.”

It’s been a gradual thing, a rapprochement in stages as we both matured and grew into ourselves. But now my mom is my confidante, a trusted critiquer, thoughtful and reflective, a terrific blogger, and we have fun, too. And as a Buddhist artist iconoclast, she’s taught me you don’t have to fit into anyone else’s mold. And I love her. So does it matter how long it took for us to become close again? Not to me.

Happy Mother’s Day to my favorite mom.

Posted by Tamar at May 9, 2004 10:06 PM

Thank you, Tamar. It is my pleasure and good fortune to have you in my life!

Posted by: Leya at May 11, 2004 02:55 AM